Tuesday, April 20, 2021

The Ghost of the Mountain

Disclaimer and Advisory: Ages 9 and up. 
A great story for sleepovers. Show this picture as either an online background or just a beginning pic. Scary music provided. 

High up the mountain, down, past the butcher's cabin, lies a grave. Marked with just numbers. It is said that every year September 2nd (the end of World War II) the grave awakens. A terrible fate awaits the person who sees the ghost. The ghost's heart is set on revenge. Revenge against the Nazis and their descendants.  

Everyone on that mountain knows this poem:

Slowly, swiftly that ghost glides,
On a dark night with cloudy skies,
High in the mountains,
through the winding path,
Get ready to face thy waiting wrath,
No moon to guide thee,
Now, the ghost is free. 

This is the story of a foolish girl named Anne.

It was a particularly rainy day on Mt. Breton. Ann was vacationing at her grandparents' house.  The mountain was named after her great-grandfather, so Anne was respected in the mountain. Little did she know that this mountain was haunted. As the rain started pouring, Anne raced to her grandparent's house.  As she went to the window. Anne saw a figure outside. The rain stopped. The droplets came together. Anne watched in astonishment as the droplets formed the shape of the face. It had no eye sockets, it was deformed. The thing opened its mouth. 
Anne was frozen she couldn't scream! 
Then the thing spoke. Its voice was raspy. It spoke like a rusty nail scraping against metal. " It's coming tonight, beware." Just as it came, the thing vanished. The rain pounded on.

Anne couldn't get the words out of her head. "It's coming tonight". She made a mental note to stick close to her parents that night. Curiosity won the fight against fear. Anne started walking toward the mountain. She trudged up the gloomy mountain. On the way, Anne found a cemetery. So she creaked open the gate and went inside. Suddenly, her watch beeped. It was sundown. Whatever it was it is coming tonight. Anne ran toward the cemetery entrance. But it was too late. The gate had locked. 

Grave started was moving. The ground rumbled. Anne hears a bloodcurdling scream from inside the grave. The ground parted. Anne had expected there to be a corpse. But instead, there were multiple bodies. One looked like it was buried recently. It was a girl about her age. With a stunned expression on her face. She looked like she was screaming. The main coffin rose into the air, right in front of Anne. 

"Open me," a raspy voice said from nowhere in particular. 
 Anne reached out trembling hand and opened the coffin.
 The ghost was unleashed !!

1 comment:


 Stars: It's odd how we feel so connected to something so far away, Yet completely alien to those around us, Why is it that stars offer ...