Sunday, November 1, 2020

The Haunted Shed on the Hill



 This is a great scary story for sleepovers, it is especially good if you live in a neighborhood with a house that has a shed.

It becomes even scarier if you put scary music in the background.

Once upon a time, under the black willow, there was a small, creaky shed. It had once belonged to an old widower. A big flood was then washed over the land, and neither the mansion nor the widower was seen again. All that was left of the house was the shed. It resided at the top of a hill. A scary hill it was. The hill could take the soul out of you. It could crush you!

On Halloween nights, children made it a tradition to go up to the shed and knock on the door. As soon as they knocked, they vanished from view. Worried parents waited all night for their beloved children. But the youth never came back. After a few years of this happening, it became clear that the shed was not safe. Youth and adults avoided going there even on Halloween nights.

Later, one Halloween night, a headstrong nine-year-old boy named Dale stupidly decided to go into the shed on the scariest night of the year. Dale's friends (who were also stupid) dared him to go inside the shed; little did Dale know that this Halloween would not go as expected...

Dale slowly climbed the scary hill. He had brought a recorder just in case… The other end of the recorder was with his friends. He looked around, the grass was dark and gray unlike the rest of the neighborhood. A layer of low and gray fog settled over the hill. Dead trees lined the hill. And finally, the shed was in sight. The shed looked like it had come out of a horror movie. It had was made of gray wood and you can easily say it was about to fall apart. Determined to prove to his friends that he was not scared of anything, Dale confidently ventured to the broken shed. 

Once there, before he could even knock on the door, the door creaked open. 

Use the sound effect to spook your audience. 

Dale stepped inside. He barely had a chance to look around before he fell. Down, down, down. 
His whole life flashing before him. When he reached the floor, he looked around. Before he even got up, he turned on the recorder he had gotten so that his friends would know he is in trouble. The floor was made of concrete and the walls were wooden. Two torches gave an organized glow to the room. A brown door was on the left side of the torch. Dale thought that the door would lead him out of here. So, he slowly opened it. The room was dark, and bodies of children who had come before him laid on the floor. Blood was dripping from the ceiling. Suddenly, he saw a figure. It had red eyes and hair covering its face.

You can cover your face with hair or a black cloth to increase the amount of fear.

It was coming towards him, inch by inch. Dale wanted to scream, but no sound came out of his mouth. He wanted to run but was frozen in place. It was as if there was the figure kept him as still as ice. He saw red hands coming from the dead children with a red knife. It was wearing a white gown, stained with blood. The last thing children heard on the recorder on the other side was a bloodcurdling scream and a cold laugh. Then the recorder went static. Silent as it could be.
The shed still stands. Now, it is out-of-bounds. Dale's ghost now roams around the shed, warning children not to make the same mistake as he did on Halloween 2020.

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