Sunday, April 30, 2023

Empty Road

 Empty Road 

It curves around the sleeping giant,

A different sight on every bend,

Every small sound echoes like the roar of a lion,

Voices tossed in the valley and one with the wind.

People are scarce on this hidden route,

Many choose to endure the highway,

Unaware of the blessing they were living without,

So close, yet worlds away.

The few who travel here find their worries erased,

Flying away with an escaped kite,

Passersby keep the mountain’s secret and leave without a trace,

Under the glow of the silver moonlight.

A place that makes you learn 

and forget everything at the same time,

Look up and see the sky so blue,

A moment without reason or rhyme.

Your car skids as it takes a turn,

The abyss of reality comes into view as you enter wide-eyed,

The memory becomes more of a feeling etched like a terrible burn,

Wherever you go you can always remember the empty road on the mountainside. 


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