Monday, February 27, 2023

Real life haunted house

 I pass this house every day on the way to school. I hope you enjoy the story. 😈

Every tree around the house was pointed inward, towards it. It was on a road in the countryside that was seldom used. The door was battered and worn out. It had scratches decorating the outside, and a large chunk of wood was missing. The door’s dark shade stood in stark contrast to the rest of the house, which was once a marvelous magenta reduced to a faint cream hue. An old, blue semi-truck stood in its driveway, with two of its tires missing. The second floor of the house had two windows, each covered with overgrown poison oak. I'm sure the place was beautiful in its time, but now, it looked straight out of a horror movie

It was a Tuesday and rain was slowly misting down. It drooled down my bus window from ominous clouds that surely preceded a dangerous storm. Our bus had managed to catch every red light that day. 

I sighed as I pulled an earbud from my ear to listen to the crawling drizzle and winced as the first crack of thunder shook the sky. We screeched to a stop at the fifth red light we had encountered today. My eyes aimlessly drifted toward the structure that seemed to be waiting for me. I see it almost every day, yet today the house seemed particularly chilling. Something was different about it. 

I soon realized the reason for this notion. One of the windows on the top floor was emitting a strange glow. A yellowish light was coming out of the room. Something moved inside. I craned my neck to get a better look and instantly regretted doing that. A dark figure was stationary in front of the glass. I couldn't quite make it out but it seemed human.

As the traffic light turned green and we drove away. I could swear I heard a screechy laugh, lost in the wind.


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