Friday, July 29, 2022

Acadia National Park

 Hiya peeps!

So, right now, I'm chilling in Acadia National Park; in midsummer. Anyways, today, my family and a couple friends hiked a dangerous trail called "Beehive Mountain." This trail is one of the most difficult trails. In a couple parts, there is just a small walkway that separates you between life and death. It was an... experience. But the views were absolutely worth it.  Acadia is on the coast so we have a beautiful view of the ocean surrounded by mountains. At the top of every peak we went to, I demanded that everyone should stay at least 3 yards away from me as I contemplated my life decisions. It was very enlightening. I achieved nothing. 

Beehive had provided ladders that you could climb to get to the top. If you made one slip, you would be going six feet under the ground. As we climbed my adrenaline was pumping.  When I got to the top of the Beehive, I managed to propel myself into a bellyflop... on rock... on the edge of a mountain... it hurt.... a lot. 

I hope you guys remember the "Alone On a Mountain" poem because I really felt it. :)The Most Dangerous Hike in Acadia: Precipice Trail — Maps With No RoadsBeehive Trail (Acadia National Park) - Champagne Tastes®


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