Sunday, June 19, 2022

Happy Father's Day!

 HI!!! So this is a little poem I wrote for my father last year. I found it again and I edited it greatly. Hope you like it! :)

A sound of music fills the room,

Now everybody is listening to the beautiful tune.

The melody wafts through the air,

The anonymous singer in his chair,

He is joyful and funny,

and acts half his age,

He'll not cease to make you smile,

in your darkest days,

However gloomy the world may seem,

He'll lighten it up like a radiant sunbeam,

Once with him, life isn't a bother,

He is my mentor, a light, my father

Wednesday, June 15, 2022


One with the water, the waves the ocean,
Out of the world that is always in motion,
Falling without a sound,
But something still echoes around,
The depths, where no thoughts occur,
There's nothing that not thinking can't cure,
The burden of the world sinks down into the abyss,
For just a moment, you are open, free, and weightless.


 Stars: It's odd how we feel so connected to something so far away, Yet completely alien to those around us, Why is it that stars offer ...