Monday, February 28, 2022

Piano’s life

This poem is a limerick that I based on my piano.  When COVID first started, I didn't play the piano much, it sat alone day after day until I was assigned a piano teacher. Then I thought about how a piano must feel. I hope you enjoy my poem!

Piano’s life

I am a grand piano, as beautiful as can be,

I have sparkling, clean, black and white keys,

I can be as rhythmic as the sea,

Or as unconfined as a bird that’s free,

Plink! Plank! Ploonk! Are the words I say,

I belong to the keyboard family and there I shall stay,

I am a blank canvas and do as you may,

(Please play Fur Elise on your way,

That definitely is my personal fav. )

I bide my time by sitting all day, 

When my person forgets to practice, I go kinda cray-cray,

My person has found a new instrument which she strummed today,

I need to be tuned which my person forgot to do,

And boy, I need to use the loo,

Why didn’t they put me next to the bathroom,

Now I will be in forever gloom,

Because I can never,


Not for a moment,

On no account,



No, never


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