Monday, January 24, 2022

The Diary

 The Diary

There is a life inside me,

Just not my own,

There is a world inside me,

That will remain unknown, 

So many words, 

Written but hardly read,

So many words,

That will never be said,

She has a story inside,

Which she trusts me with,

A world in her mind,

That will remain a myth,

She had hope and a wish,

But she let it all go,

She let go of that fire, that spark, that glow,

Before our bond was strong and sturdy,

It never loosened, or quavered,

I am now covered in dust and forgotten,

Our friendship is gone and wavered,

But today is the day,

She is going to remember with a start,

Her wondrous writing,

When she wrote from the heart,

I can feel it,

She’s going to pick me up and recall,

All the good times in her diary,

Before her fall,

Maybe now I won’t be quite so worthless,

Maybe now I’ll finally serve my purpose.

After a Hurricane

 The air is strange, after a hurricane when the winds howl fades to a whisper. the air is heavy with mist and ghosts of raindrops scattered ...