Tuesday, June 15, 2021

A Morning in the Rainforest

 A morning in the rainforest,

As breathtaking as can be,
The birds twitter cheerfully,
As the sun is set free,

A bear pokes his head,
Out of his homely den,
As the beetles scutter for leaves,
To keep their little ones fed,

The sun's rays delicately touch 
A sleeping pack of wolves,
"Wake up," the sun says, "it's time for a new day".
A young wolf pup stirs awake,
Roused by the sun's very first ray,

Nearby a butterfly,
Slurps its nectar,
Watching the rainforest rise,
Yesterday is gone,
Tomorrow is yet to come.
So get ready for what today lies. 

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Uplifting poem: Almost Flying


Almost Flying

The branch stands ready,

Perfect to perch on,

It’s too high to jump,

Too high to leap,

But there is a way,

A way that no one’s tried;

Close your eyes,

And break the chains that hold you down,

Unknot the ties that keep you from

Breaking into flight

Up and up and up you go,

Oh, gravity, you are defied,

But instead of reaching for the branch,

You reach for the sky.


 Stars: It's odd how we feel so connected to something so far away, Yet completely alien to those around us, Why is it that stars offer ...