Monday, May 24, 2021

New Poem: Home

Home : 05/16/2021

Look out the window,

Look out of the city,

Into the fertile lands,

This is Earth we all share,

And her fate is in our hands

Through hardship and despair,

Mother Earth was always there,

Can’t we do the same for her?

Beckoning you to her warm embrace,

With open arms she waits

For you to hug her back,

Listen to her heartbeat echo through the ground,

Listen as she breathes gracefully in and out,

Rustling her trees and grass,

Then look at what you have done to her,

Where there was once a pine,

Now lies a house,

Where a family of bears once lived,

Now lies a school.

My question is:

How could we be so cruel?

Cruel to our planet,

To the beautiful land we have misused,

This is not a fight,

Nor an argument,

It is a truth,

Don’t fight,


Bring light,

Into the growing darkness,

Let’s take a stand for home

For we must face,

What we have done wrong,

We cannot wait,

Until it is too late,

We must do it now. 

Help this small lonely speckle in space,

We have wronged her;

We must make it right;

This sphere of blue and green,

This orb of beauties unseen,

Earth is more than just a dazzling dome,

Earth is our one, our only, our beautiful home.


 Stars: It's odd how we feel so connected to something so far away, Yet completely alien to those around us, Why is it that stars offer ...